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Magic commands

In Jupyter notebooks, magic commands are shortcuts for common tasks. The AI Unlimited magic commands enable you to connect to the engine and manage projects.

The AI Unlimited Jupyter Kernel supports the magic commands described here—in addition to the standard Teradata SQL kernel magic commands.


Description: Establish communication between your notebook and the AI Unlimited manager.



  • host: Name or IP address of the AI Unlimited manager.

  • apikey: API key value from the AI Unlimited setup Profile page.

  • [Optional] withTLS: If False (F), the default client-server communication does not use TLS.



Description: Create a new project. This command also creates a new repository with the project name in your Git account. The configurations are stored in the engine.yml file.



  • project: Name of the project to be created.

  • env: Cloud environment where the project is hosted. For the current release, AWS and Azure are supported.

  • [Optional] team: Name of the team collaborating on the project.



Description: Delete the project. This does not remove the project repository. It removes project metadata from the manager.



  • project: Name of the project to be deleted.

  • [Optional] team: Name of the team collaborating on the project.



Description: List the details of one or all projects.

Use the project parameter to get the details of a specific project. All the projects are listed if you run the command without any parameters.



  • project: The project name.



Description: Create an authorization object to store object store credentials.

You must create the authorization object before deploying the engine. The authorization details are retained and are included while redeploying the project. Optionally, you can create authorizations manually using the CREATE AUTHORIZATION SQL command after deploying the engine. In this case, the authorization details are not retained.



  • project: Name of the project.

  • name: Authorization name for the object store.

  • key: Authorization key of the object store.

  • [Optional] secret: Authorization secret access ID of the object store.

  • [Optional] region: Region of the object store; local for the local object store.

  • [Optional] token: Session token for the object store access.

  • [Optional-AWS Only] role: IAM users or service account to access AWS resources from an AWS account by assuming a role and its entitlements. The owner of the AWS resource defines the role. For example: arn:aws:iam::00000:role/STSAssumeRole.

  • [Optional-AWS Only] ExternalID: External ID used to access object store. This parameter is required when using the role parameter.



Description: Update an object store authorization.



  • project: Name of the project.

  • name: Authorization name for the object store.

  • key: Authorization key of the object store.

  • [Optional] secret: Authorization secret access ID of the object store.

  • [Optional] region: Region of the object store; local for the local object store.

  • [Optional] token: Session token for the object store access.

  • [Optional-AWS Only] role: IAM users or service account to access AWS or Azure resources from a CSP account by assuming a role and its entitlements. The owner of the AWS or Azure resource defines the role. For example: arn:aws:iam::00000:role/STSAssumeRole.

  • [Optional-AWS Only] ExternalID: External ID used to access object store. This parameter is required when using the role parameter.



Description: Remove an object store authorization.



  • project: Name of the project.

  • name: Authorization name for the object store.



Description: List object store authorizations that are created for a project.



  • project: Name of the project.



Description: Deploy an engine for the project. The deployment process takes a few minutes to complete. On successful deployment, a password is generated.



  • project: Name of the project.

  • size: Size of the engine. The value can be:

    • small
    • medium
    • large
    • extralarge
  • [Optional] node: Number of engine nodes to be deployed. The default value is 1.

  • [Optional] subnet: Subnet used for the engine if there are no default values from the AI Unlimited setup.

  • [Optional] region: Region used for the engine if there are no default values from the AI Unlimited setup.

  • [Optional] restore: If False (F), the engine is deployed but the project's objects are not restored, which reduces deployment time. You can manually restore them using %project_restore. The default value is True (T).

  • [Optional] prefixlist: The collection of CIDR blocks that define a set of IP address ranges that require the same policy enforcement. It is used to specify which IP addresses can communicate with the engine.

  • [Optional] securitygroups: List of security groups for the VPC in each region. If you don't specify a security group, the engine is automatically associated with the default security group for the VPC.

  • [Optional] cidrs: List of CIDR addresses used for the engine.

  • [Optional] tags: The key-value pairs that are assigned to the engine for quick identification.

  • [Optional] iamrole: The IAM role used for the engine.

  • [Optional] roleprefix: The string appended to the beginning of the IAM role assigned to the engine.

  • [Optional] permissionboundary: The ARN of the IAM permissions boundary to associate with the IAM role assigned to the engine. The permissions boundary defines the maximum permissions that the role can have.



Description: Stop the engine after you're done with your work.



  • project: Name of the project.



Description: View the list of engines deployed for your project.



  • project: Name of the project.



Description: View the list of collaborators assigned to the project in the Git repository.



  • [Optional] project: Name of the project.



Description: Back up your project information and object definition inside the engine.



  • project: Name of the project.



Description: Restore your project information and object definition from your Git repository.



  • project: Name of the project.
  • [Optional] gitref: The Git reference for the commit from which to restore the project, if you don't want to restore from the latest.



Description: Update users on the deployed engine. If users are added as collaborators to the Git repository after the engine is deployed, you can use this command to update and create new users for the deployed engine.



  • project: Name of the project.



Description: Update or add new authorizations on the deployed engine without having to suspend and redeploy the engine.



  • project: Name of the project.



Description: Refresh the connection for the deployed engine. Use this command to connect to the engine from another notebook without having to create a new connection manually.



  • project: Name of the project.



Description: View the list of magic commands provided by the AI Unlimited kernel.


Additionally, you can see detailed help messages per command.


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