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Set up AI Unlimited

After you install the manager, access the AI Unlimited setup using the URL you received at the end of the installation process: http://[ip_or_hostname]:[port].


By setting up AI Unlimited, you become the AI Unlimited admin at your organization.


For setup help, email the support team or ask the community.

Complete the fields

Find information about each group of fields here.

Basic setup

AI Unlimited base URL—The URL you used to access the setup. You received it when you installed the manager.

Git provider—GitHub or GitLab.

AI Unlimited log level—The level of detail to see in AI Unlimited logs.

Engine IP network type

Select Private if you deploy the engine in the same Virtual Private Cloud as AI Unlimited.

Public or Private refers to how AI Unlimited should communicate with the engine. The engine might have a public IP address, a private IP address, or both. Indicate the type of IP address to which AI Unlimited should connect.


We recommend that you use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure connections to AI Unlimited and safeguard your data in transit.

  • If you are using an application load balancer (ALB), with certification termination enabled, select False.

  • If you are using a network load balancer (NLB) or no load balancer, select True. ..

    • AI Unlimited TLS certificate and AI Unlimited TLS certificate key—If you have a certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA), you can provide it and its key. You'll be responsible for managing the certificate lifecycle, including renewal and validation. If you have specific requirements or need more control over your certificates, bringing your own is a good option.

    • Or select Generate Certs to use a Teradata system-generated certificate. It automatically renews before it expires.

Select Update.

Cloud integration

Some of these fields are for default values. Later, when you deploy the engine from a Jupyter notebook, you can specify values, different from the defaults, for that deployment.

Default region—The AWS region in which to deploy the engine. We recommend choosing the region closest to your data lake.

Default subnet—The AWS subnet to which to deploy the engine. The AWS console shows the subnets in the region.

Default IAM role

  • The IAM role for the engine. Leave blank to let AI Unlimited create the role—if your security allows this. Otherwise, create a role using this policy: ai-unlimited-engine.json.
  • If AI Unlimited creates the role, it creates it for the AWS cluster that deploys the engine—each time you deploy the engine. If your organization creates the role, it must accommodate any cluster that might deploy the engine.

Resource tags—You can tag the AWS resources that deploy the engine to make them easier to manage.

Inbound security

Use these fields to allow source traffic to reach the engine:

  • Default CIDRs
  • Default security group IDs—If you deploy the engine in the same Virtual Private Cloud as AI Unlimited, include the AI Unlimited security group in this field to ensure that AI Unlimited can communicate with the engine.
  • Default prefix list names

Role prefix—If AI Unlimited creates the role, this prefix is added to the role name.

Permissions boundary ARN—If your IAM entities require a boundary, you can provide one here.

Select Update.

Git integration

GitHub callback URL—After authenticating a user, GitHub uses this URL to redirect to the manager. This was provided to the OAuth app when it was created.

GitHub base URL—The URL for your GitHub instance.

GitHub client ID and GitHub client secret—The credentials received from GitHub when your OAuth app was created.

Organization access

Two organizations in your GitHub account can help with access control and repository management:

  • Members of the Authorizing organization are able to sign in and authenticate themselves in AI Unlimited. If you don't specify an organization, any GitHub account user can sign in and authenticate.

  • Project repositories are created in the Repository organization. If you don't specify an organization, projects will be in your personal GitHub space.

Select Update.

Select Sign In. Then, sign in (if prompted), and authenticate yourself.

Before you leave

  1. On your Profile, copy your API key. You'll use it when you connect to the engine from a Jupyter notebook.

  2. If you enabled TLS, select Restart. This restarts the AI Unlimited service with TLS in place.

Congratulations! AI Unlimited setup is now complete.


Because you are the AI Unlimited admin, you can return to the setup anytime to change any settings.

What's next

In a Jupyter notebook, start exploring and analyzing data.

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