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Release notes

As we continue to enhance AI Unlimited, please be aware of features not currently supported and known issues.

For the latest features and updates, keep an eye on What's new.

Not supported

  • Update and Delete with predicates for Open Table Format (OTF) queries

  • Unbounded Array Framework (UAF) functions in SQL and teradataml

  • These teradataml functions:

    • automl
    • openml
    • map_row
    • map_partition
  • API_Request User Defined Function (UDF)

  • Vantage Analytics Library (VAL)

Known issues

  • The first invocation of Java User Defined Functions (UDFs) fails with this error: Failure 7583 The secure mode processes had a set up error.

  • teradataml

    • Unbounded Array Framework (UAF) functions fail to run if the database name has special characters, such as a hyphen (-).
    • Some SQLE and UAF functions fail to run due to issues with volatile table creation. The framework creates a volatile table if the keyword argument Volatile is set to True. However, volatile tables can not be created on other schemas.
    • H2OPredict - One case for model type DAI failed with error: H2OPredict failed in contract: 'license' column is missing from model input table. This column is required to score driverless AI models.
    • ONNXPredict failed with error: E teradatasql.OperationalError: [Version] [Session 2078] [Teradata Database] [Error 7825] in UDF/XSP/UDM mldb.ONNXPredict: SQLSTATE [38U01] ONNXPredict failed with error:no onnxruntime in java.library.path: [/usr/pde/lib, /usr/tdbms/lib]
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