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Create a GitHub or GitLab OAuth app

An OAuth app allows a user to grant access to their account on one website or service to their account on another, without sharing their password.

Create an OAuth app so that AI Unlimited can use GitHub or GitLab authentication to manage each project repository and, each time the engine is deployed, derive the engine users from the collaborators you have added to the repository.

  1. Sign in to your GitHub or GitLab account.

  2. Create an OAuth app. See GitHub: Create an OAuth app or GitLab: Create an OAuth app.

    While registering the OAuth app, use these URLs.

    • Homepage URL: http://[ip_or_hostname]:[port]


      This is the manager URL that you received at the end of the installation process.

    • Authorization callback URL: [Homepage URL]/auth/github/callback

    For GitLab, select the appropriate OAuth Scopes as defined in Authorized Applications.

  3. Copy and keep the Client ID and Client secret, which you'll need to set up AI Unlimited.

Now you're ready to set up AI Unlimited.

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