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Install JupyterLab on AWS

You'll use a CloudFormation template provided by Teradata to install JupyterLab and the AI Unlimited kernel from the AWS Management Console.

This deploys a server instance, with JupyterLab running in a container controlled by systemd.


For installation support, email the support team or ask the community.

Prepare your AWS account

Clone the repository

The deployments folder in the AI Unlimited GitHub repository provided by Teradata contains template, parameter, and policy files for installing AI Unlimited.

Open a terminal window, and clone the repository.

Locate the Jupyter template

CloudFormation templates for JupyterLab are here in the AI Unlimited GitHub repository:


Choose a template based on whether you intend to use a load balancer and what type.


You might want to ask a cloud admin at your organization for guidance.

Load the template

  1. Sign in to the AWS console.

    References to AWS Management Console are up-to-date as of May 29, 2024.

  2. Select the region in which to deploy JupyterLab.
    We recommend selecting the region closest to your primary work location.
  3. Search for and go to CloudFormation.
  4. Select Create Stack, then With new resources (standard).
  5. Select Choose an existing template and Upload a template file.
  6. Select the template file you chose to use, and click Next.

Specify stack details and options

  1. Provide a stack name.
  2. Review the parameters. Provide values for the required ones. Your organization might require others.
AWS and JupyterLab parameters
InstanceTypeThe EC2 instance type that you want to use for the service.Required with default
Default: t3.small
We recommend using the default instance type to save costs.
RootVolumeSizeThe size of the root disk you want to attach to the instance, in GB.Required with default
Default: 8
Supports values between 8 and 1000.
TerminationProtectionEnable instance termination protection.Required with default
Default: false
IamRoleSpecifies whether CloudFormation should create a new IAM role or use an existing one.Required with default
Default: New
Supported options are: New or Existing
IamRoleNameThe name of the IAM role to assign to the instance, either an existing IAM role or a newly created IAM role.Optional with default
Default: ai-unlimited-iam-role
If naming a new IAM role, CloudFormation requires the CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability. Leave this blank to use an autogenerated name.
The ARN of the IAM permissions boundary to associate with the IAM role assigned to the instance.Optional
Default: NA
AvailabilityZoneThe availability zone to which you want to deploy the instance.Required
Default: NA
The value must match the subnet, the zone of any pre-existing volumes, and the instance type must be available in the selected zone.
LoadBalancingSpecifies whether the instance is accessed via an NLB.Required with default
Default: NetworkLoadBalancer
Supported options are: NetworkLoadBalancer or None
LoadBalancerSchemeIf a load balancer is used, this field specifies whether the instance is accessible from the Internet or only from within the VPC.Optional with default
Default: Internet-facing
The DNS name of an Internet-facing load balancer is publicly resolvable to the public IP addresses of the nodes. Therefore, Internet-facing load balancers can route requests from clients over the Internet. The nodes of an internal load balancer have only private IP addresses. The DNS name of an internal load balancer is publicly resolvable to the personal IP addresses of the nodes. Therefore, internal load balancers can route requests from clients with access to the VPC for the load balancer.
PrivateSpecifies whether the service is deployed in a private network without public IPs.Required
Default: false
Make sure you select the Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address option in the subnet where the manager resides. If this option is not selected, the installation may fail.
SessionSpecifies whether you can use the AWS Session Manager to access the instance.Required
Default: false
VpcThe network to which you want to deploy the instance.Required
Default: NA
SubnetThe subnetwork to which you want to deploy the instance.Required
Default: NA
The subnet must reside in the selected availability zone.
KeyNameThe public/private key pair which allows you to connect securely to your instance after it launches. When you create an AWS account, this is the key pair you create in your preferred region.Optional
Default: NA
Leave this field blank if you do not want to include the SSH keys.
AccessCIDRThe CIDR IP address range that is permitted to access the instance.Optional
Default: NA
We recommend setting this value to a trusted IP range. Define at least one of AccessCIDR, PrefixList, or SecurityGroup to allow inbound traffic unless you create custom security group ingress rules.
PrefixListThe prefix list that you can use to communicate with the instance. It is a collection of CIDR blocks that define a set of IP address ranges that require the same policy enforcement.Optional
Default: NA
Define at least one of AccessCIDR, PrefixList, or SecurityGroup to allow inbound traffic unless you create custom security group ingress rules.
SecurityGroupThe virtual firewall that controls inbound and outbound traffic to the instance.Optional
Default: NA
Implemented as a set of rules that specify which protocols, ports, and IP addresses or CIDR blocks are allowed to access the instance. Define at least one of AccessCIDR, PrefixList, or SecurityGroup to allow inbound traffic unless you create custom security group ingress rules.
UsePersistentVolumeSpecifies whether you want to use a new or existing persistent volume to store data. See Learn more: Using a persistent volume below the parameters section.Optional with default
Default: New
Supported options are a new persistent volume or an existing one, depending on your use case.
PersistentVolumeSizeThe size of the persistent volume that you can attach to the instance, in GB.Required with default
Default: 20
Supports values between 8 and 1000
The ID of the existing persistent volume that you can attach to the instance.Required if UsePersistentVolume is set to Existing
Default: NA
The persistent volume must be in the same availability zone as the AI Unlimited instance.
The persistent volume behavior when you delete the CloudFormation deployment.Required with default
Default: Retain
Supported options are: Delete, Retain, RetainExceptOnCreate, and Snapshot.
LatestAmiIdThe ID of the image that points to the latest version of AMI. This value is used for the SSM lookup.Required with default
Default: NA
This deployment uses the latest ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2 image available.
IMPORTANT: Changing this value may break the stack.
JupyterHttpPortThe port to access the JupyterLab service UI.Required with default
Default: 8888
JupyterVersionThe version of JupyterLab you want to deploy.Required with default
Default: latest
The value is a container version tag, for example, latest.
JupyterTokenThe token or password used to access JupyterLab from the UI.Required
Default: NA
The token must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters. The allowed pattern is ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*.
Learn more: Using a persistent volume

The JupyterLab instance runs in a container and saves its configuration data in a database in the root volume of the instance. This data persists if you shut down, restart, or snapshot and relaunch the instance.

A persistent volume stores data for a containerized application beyond the lifetime of the container, pod, or node in which it runs.

Without a persistent volume

If the container, pod, or node crashes or terminates, you lose the JupyterLab configuration data. You can deploy a new JupyterLab instance, but not to the same state as the one that was lost.

With a persistent volume

If the container, pod, or node crashes or terminates, and the JupyterLab configuration data is stored in a persistent volume, you can deploy a new JupyterLab instance that has the same configuration as the one that was lost.


  1. Deploy JupyterLab, and include these parameters:
    • UsePersistentVolume: New
    • PersistentVolumeDeletionPolicy: Retain
  2. After you create the stack, on the Outputs tab, note the volume-id.
  3. Use JupyterLab.
  4. If the JupyterLab instance is lost, deploy JupyterLab again, and include these parameters:
    • UsePersistentVolume: New
    • PersistentVolumeDeletionPolicy: Retain
    • ExistingPersistentVolumeId: the value you noted in step 2

The new JupyterLab instance has the same configuration as the one that was lost.

  1. Select Next.
  2. Configure stack options per your requirements, then select Next.

Review and create the stack

  1. Review the template settings.
  2. Select the check box to acknowledge that the template will create IAM resources.
  3. Select Submit to deploy the stack.
    On the Events tab, you can monitor progress. When the status of all the resources is CREATE_COMPLETE, the JupyterLab is ready.

The Outputs tab shows the URL for accessing JupyterLab.

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