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Run JupyterLab locally using Docker

You'll use Docker Compose to run JupyterLab, with the AI Unlimited Jupyter Kernel, locally in a container.


For installation support, email the support team or ask the community.

Set a location for JupyterLab configuration files

Optionally, set the JUPYTER_HOME environment variable to the directory in which to store the JupyterLab configuration files. The default location is ~/.jupyter.


Learn about AWS or Azure environment variables.

Clone the repository

The deployments/docker folder in the AI Unlimited GitHub repository provided by Teradata includes the jupyter.yaml file, you need to run JupyterLab.

Clone the repository.

Start JupyterLab

  1. Go to the directory where jupyter.yaml is located, and start JupyterLab.


    The -d flag in the command is optional.

    The command downloads and starts the JupyterLab container.

  2. To retrieve the Jupyter token, list the currently running containers.

    And identify the name of the JupyterLab container.

    Then, search for occurrences of the string 'Token' in the container's logs.

Verify access to JupyterLab

When JupyterLab is ready, you can access it at http://localhost:8888, and enter the token.

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