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What's new

See what's in this release and what's coming.

Everything you need to start exploring, analyzing, and experimenting:

  • AI/ML engine v0.14.3 with ClearScape Analytics™ functions
  • Support for AWS and Azure
  • AI Unlimited Jupyter Kernel
    • Python Client Libraries
      • teradataml
      • teradatamlwidgets
      • teradatasql
      • teradatasqlalchemy
      • tdapiclient
  • Support for GitHub and GitLab for project creation and database schema backup
  • AI Unlimited manager v0.2.15
Supported Teradata Vantage™ features
  • Native Object Store (NOS)
  • Open Table Format (OTF)
    • Iceberg with AWS Glue, Hive, and Databricks Unity Catalog
    • Delta Lake with Databricks Unity Catalog
  • Bring Your Own Model
    • PMMLPredict
    • H20Predict
Supported teradataml functions
  • Antiselect
  • Attribution
  • BincodeFit
  • BincodeTransform
  • CategoricalSummary
  • ChiSq
  • ClassificationEvaluator
  • ColumnSummary
  • ColumnTransformer
  • DecisionForest
  • DecisionForestPredict
  • FillRowId
  • Fit
  • FTest
  • GetFutileColumns
  • GetRowsWithMissingValues
  • GetRowsWithoutMissingValues
  • GLM
  • GLMPredict
  • Histogram
  • KMeans
  • KMeansPredict
  • KNN
  • MovingAverage
  • NaiveBayesPredict
  • NaiveBayesTextClassifierPredict
  • NaiveBayesTextClassifierTrainer
  • NGramSplitter
  • NonLinearCombineFit
  • NonLinearCombineTransform
  • NPath
  • NumApply
  • OneHotEncodingFit
  • OneHotEncodingTransform
  • OrdinalEncodingFit
  • OrdinalEncodingTransform
  • OutlierFilterFit
  • OutlierFilterTransform
  • Pack
  • PolynomialFeaturesFit
  • PolynomialFeaturesTransform
  • QQNorm
  • RandomProjectionFit
  • RandomProjectionMinComponents
  • RandomProjectionTransform
  • RegressionEvaluator
  • ROC
  • RoundColumns
  • RowNormalizeFit
  • RowNormalizeTransform
  • ScaleFit
  • ScaleTransform
  • SentimentExtractor
  • Sessionize
  • Silhouette
  • SimpleImputeFit
  • SimpleImputeTransform
  • StrApply
  • StringSimilarity
  • SVMSparsePredict
  • TextParser
  • Transform
  • UnivariateStatistics
  • Unpack
  • VectorDistance
  • WhichMax
  • WhichMin
  • ZTest
  • delete_byom
  • retrieve_byom
  • list_byom
  • save_byom
  • get_license
  • set_license

See the release notes for known issues and features not currently supported.

What's coming

  • Support for Update and Delete with predicates for Open Table Format (OTF) queries - June

  • User Defined Functions (UDF)

    • Fix for the first invocation of Java UDFs failing - future
    • Support for API_Request UDF - future
  • Unbounded Array Framework (UAF)

    • SQL supporting UAF - June
    • teradataml supporting UAF - future
  • teradataml

    • Fix for UAF functions failing if database name has special characters - June
    • Fix for SQLE and UAF functions failing to run due to issues with volatile table creation - June
    • automl and openml functions - June
    • map_row and map_partition functions - future
  • Vantage Analytics Library (VAL) - future

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