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Azure account requirements

First, make sure you have the prerequisites.

Then before you install AI Unlimited, address these Azure items.

Prepare your Azure account

  • Work with your cloud admin to ensure your Azure account has the permissions to create the cloud resources defined in the AI Unlimited template.

  • Networking requirements: Your Azure resource group must have an Azure Virtual Network (VNet) configured with a subnet. Use an existing VNet or subnet, or create your own, depending on your account permissions.

  • If you'll need to access the manager instance to run commands or debug, you can use a key pair to securely connect using Secure Shell (SSH). You'll need the key pair when you specify the instance details.

Create the role for the manager

The manager needs a role that allows it to do the following:

  • Deploy the engine.
  • Create a new role for the engine (each time it deploys the engine) that allows the engine's nodes to communicate.

The deployments folder in the AI Unlimited GitHub repository provided by Teradata includes a manager role ARM template and a policy sample.

Open a terminal window, and clone the repository.

Or use the links that follow to download what you need.

Create the role:

You'll need the RoleDefinitionId when you specify the instance details.

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