
Teradata Connector Reference - Mule 4

Release Notes: Teradata Connector Release Notes


Default Configuration

Use these parameters to configure the default configuration.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
NameStringThe name for this configuration. Connectors reference the configuration with this name.x
  • Data Source Reference Connection
  • Teradata Connection
  • The connection types to provide to this configuration.x
    Expiration PolicyExpiration PolicyConfigures the minimum amount of time that a dynamic configuration instance can remain idle before Mule considers it eligible for expiration. This does not mean that the platform expires the instance at the exact moment that it becomes eligible. Mule purges the instances as appropriate.

    Connection Types

    Data Source Reference Connection

    Configure the connection provider implementation that creates database connections from a referenced data source.

    When you use a provider's custom type in a Data Source Reference Connection, define the type inside the Column Types form of the Advanced section in the Database config.

    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Pooling ProfilePooling ProfileProvides a way to configure database connection pooling
    Column TypesArray of Column TypeSpecifies non-standard column types
    ReconnectionReconnectionWhen the application is deployed, a connectivity test is performed on all connectors. If set to true, deployment fails if the test doesn't pass after exhausting the associated reconnection strategy.
    Teradata Connection
    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Pooling ProfilePooling ProfileProvides a way to configure database connection pooling
    Column TypesArray of Column TypeSpecifies non-standard column types
    Transaction Isolation aEnumeration, one of:
  • NONE





  • The transaction isolation level to set on the driver when connecting the databaseNOT_CONFIGURED
    Use XA TransactionsBooleanIndicates whether or not the created datasource must support XA transactionsfalse
    URLStringJDBC URL to use to connect to the databasex
    UserStringDatabase username
    PasswordStringDatabase password
    ReconnectionReconnectionWhen the application is deployed, a connectivity test is performed on all connectors. If set to true, deployment fails if the test doesn't pass after exhausting the associated reconnection strategy.



    To specify an SQL function in an SQL query in an operation, specify the SQL function in the {fn function()} format. For example, the SQL function CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is specified as {fn CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()}.

    Associated Sources

    Bulk Delete


    This operation allows delete operations to execute at various times using different parameter bindings and a single database statement. This improves performance compared to executing a single delete operation at various times.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    Input ParametersArray of ObjectSpecifies a list of maps, which contain the parameter names as keys and the value the parameter is bound to, and in which every list item represents a row to insert.#[payload]
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take regarding transactionsJOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Query TimeoutNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch Size aNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet. This property is required when streaming is true, in which case a default value of 10 is used.
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Parameter TypesArray of Parameter TypeThis parameter allows you to optionally specify the type of one or more of the parameters in the query. If a value is provided, you're not required to reference all of the parameters; but you cannot reference a parameter that is not present in the input values.
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors


    TypeArray of Number

    For Configurations



    Bulk Insert


    This operation allows inserts to execute at various times using different parameter bindings and a single database statement. This improves performance compared to executing a single insert operation at various times.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    Input ParametersArray of ObjectA list of maps in which every list item represents a row to be inserted, and the map contains the parameter names as keys and the value the parameter is bound to.#[payload]
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take regarding transactions.JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Query TimeoutNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. No timeout is used by default.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A TimeUnit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a resultSet. This property is required when streaming is true; in that case a default value (10) is used.
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Parameter TypesArray of Parameter TypeAllows you to optionally specify the type of one or more of the parameters in the query. If provided, you're not required to reference all of the parameters, but you cannot reference a parameter not present in the input values
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output.
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors.


    TypeArray of Number

    For Configurations




    Bulk Update


    This operation allows updates to execute at various times using different parameter bindings and a single database statement. This improves performance compared to executing one single update operation at various times.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    Input ParametersArray of ObjectSpecifies a list of maps, which contain the parameter names as keys and the value the parameter is bound to, and in which every list item represents a row to insert.#[payload]
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take regarding transactions.JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Query Timeout NumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet.10
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Parameter TypesArray of Parameter TypeAllows you to optionally specify the type of one or more of the parameters in the query. If provided, you're not required to reference all of the parameters; but you cannot reference a parameter that is not present in the input values.
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors


    TypeArray of Number

    For Configurations





    This operation deletes data in a database.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take regarding transactionsJOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Query TimeoutNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of: NANOSECONDS
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet.10
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Parameter TypesArray of Parameter TypeAllows you to optionally specify the type of one or more of the parameters in the query. If a value is provided, you're not required to reference all of the parameters; but you cannot reference a parameter that is not present in the input values.
    Input ParametersObjectA map in which keys are the name of an input parameter to set on the JDBC prepared statement. Each parameter should be referenced in the SQL text using a colon prefix (for example, where id = :myParamName). The map's values contain the actual assignation for each parameter.
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors



    For Configurations






    Execute DDL


    This operation allows execution of DDL queries against a database.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take regarding transactionsJOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Query TimeoutNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet.10
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors



    For Configurations




    Execute Script


    This operation executes an SQL script in a single database statement. The script is executed as provided by the user, without any parameter binding.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take for transactions.JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to execute
    Script PathStringSpecifies the location of a file to load. The file can point to a resource on the classpath, or on a disk.
    Query TimeoutNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet.10
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors


    TypeArray of Number

    For Configurations








    This operation inserts data into a database.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    Transactional Action aEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take regarding transactionsJOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Query TimeoutNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet.10
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Parameter TypesArray of Parameter TypeAllows you to optionally specify the type of one or more of the parameters in the query. If provided, you're not required to reference all of the parameters; but you cannot reference a parameter that is not present in the input values.
    Input ParametersObjectA map in which keys are the name of an input parameter to be set on the JDBC prepared statement. Each parameter should be referenced in the SQL text using a colon prefix (E.g: where id = :myParamName). The map's values contain the actual assignation for each parameter.
    Auto Generate KeysBooleanIndicates when to make auto-generated keys available for retrieval.false
    Auto Generated Keys Column IndexesArray of NumberList of column indexes that indicates which auto-generated keys to make available for retrieval
    Auto Generated Keys Column NamesArray of StringList of column names that indicates which auto-generated keys to make available for retrieval
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors


    TypeStatement Result

    For Configurations





    This operation queries data from a database. To prevent loading all the results at once, which can lead to performance and memory issues, results are automatically streamed. This means that pages of fetchSize rows are loaded when needed. If this operation is performed inside a transaction (that is, within a Try scope component) and that transaction is closed before consuming the data, accessing the results that haven't been loaded will fail.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take regarding transactionsJOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Streaming StrategyRepeatable In Memory Iterable
    Repeatable File Store Iterable
    Configure to use repeatable streams
    Query Timeout aNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout Unit aEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch Size aNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet.10
    Max Rows aNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    SQL Query Text aStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Parameter Types aArray of Parameter TypeAllows you to optionally specify the type of one or more of the parameters in the query. If provided, you're not required to reference all of the parameters; but you cannot reference a parameter that is not present in the input values.
    Input Parameters aObjectA map in which keys are the name of an input parameter to be set on the JDBC prepared statement. Each parameter should be referenced in the SQL text using a colon prefix (for example: where id = :myParamName). The map's values will contain the actual assignation for each parameter.
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output.
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors.
    TypeArray of Object

    For Configurations

    Working with Pooling Profiles

    When working with pooling profiles and the Select operation, the connection remains open until one of the following occurs:

    • The flow execution ends
    • The content of the streams are consumed completely
    • The connection is the transaction key.

    Because LOBs are treated as streams, the connection remains open until the flow execution ends, or until the content is consumed before the flow completes, in which case the best approach is taken to close the related connection.

    This behavior occurs because the result set the operation generates can have a stream or be part of an ongoing transaction.



    Query Single


    This operation selects a single data record from a database. If you provide an SQL query that returns more than one row, then only the first record is processed and returned. This operation does not use streaming, which means that immediately after performing the Query Single operation, the complete content of the selected record is loaded into memory.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of join action that operations can take regarding transactionsJOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Streaming StrategyRepeatable In Memory Iterable
    Repeatable File Store Iterable
    Configure to use repeatable streams
    Query Timeout aNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout Unit aEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet.10
    Max RowsNumberThe maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Parameter TypesArray of Parameter TypeEnables you to optionally specify the type of one or more of the parameters in the query. If provided, you're not required to reference all of the parameters; but you cannot reference a parameter that is not present in the input values.
    Input ParametersObjectA map in which keys are the name of an input parameter to be set on the JDBC prepared statement. Each parameter should be referenced in the SQL text using a colon prefix (for example: where id = :myParamName). The map's values will contain the actual assignation for each parameter.
    Target VariableStringName of the variable in which to store the operation's output
    Target ValueStringExpression that evaluates the operation's output. The expression outcome is stored in the target variable.#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors.



    For Configurations

    Working with Pooling Profiles

    When working with pooling profiles and the Query Single operation, the connection returns to the pool immediately after the operation is performed.



    Stored Procedure


    Invokes a stored procedure on the database. When the stored procedure returns one or more ResultSet instances, results are not read all at once. Instead, results are automatically streamed to prevent performance and memory issues. This behavior means that pages of _fetchSize_ rows are loaded lazily when needed. If the Stored procedure operation is performed inside a transaction (for example, in a Try scope component), and that transaction is closed before consuming the data, accessing the results that haven't been loaded will fail.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to use.x
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take regarding transactions.JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Streaming StrategyRepeatable In Memory Iterable
    Repeatable File Store Iterable
    Configure to use repeatable streams
    Query Timeout aNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. No timeout is used by default.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a resultSet. This property is required when streaming is true; in that case a default value (10) is used.
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Parameter TypesArray of Parameter TypeAllows to optionally specify the type of one or more of the parameters in the query. If provided, you're not even required to reference all of the parameters, but you cannot reference a parameter not present in the input values
    Input ParametersObjectA map in which keys are the name of an input parameter to be set on the JDBC prepared statement. Each parameter should be referenced in the SQL text using a colon prefix (for example: where id = :myParamName). The map's values will contain the actual assignation for each parameter.
    Input - Output ParametersObjectA map in which keys are the name of a parameter to be set on the JDBC prepared statement which is both input and output. Each parameter should be referenced in the SQL text using a colon prefix (for example: where id = :myParamName). The map's values will contain the actual assignation for each parameter.
    Output ParametersArray of Output ParameterA list of output parameters to be set on the JDBC prepared statement. Each parameter should be referenced in the SQL text using a colon prefix (for example: call multiply(:value, :result))
    Auto Generate KeysBooleanIndicates when to make auto-generated keys available for retrieval.false
    Auto Generated Keys Column IndexesArray of NumberList of column indexes that indicates which auto-generated keys to make available for retrieval.
    Auto Generated Keys Column NamesArray of StringList of column names that indicates which auto-generated keys should be made available for retrieval.
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output.
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors



    For Configurations

    Working with Pooling Profiles

    When working with pooling profiles and the Stored procedure operation, the connection remains open until the flow execution ends or the content of the streams are consumed completely, or if the connection is the transaction key. This behavior occurs because the resultset the operation generates can have a stream or be part of an ongoing transaction.

    Starting with Database Connector 1.8.3, the connections on the Stored procedure operation are released if they are not part of a stream or transaction.





    Updates data in a database.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of joining action that operations can take for transactionsJOIN_IF_POSSIBLE
    Query TimeoutNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of:
    ** DAYSA time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet.10
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    SQL Query TextStringThe text of the SQL query to executex
    Parameter TypesArray of Parameter TypeAllows you to optionally specify the type of one or more of the parameters in the query. If provided, you're not required to reference all of the parameters; but you cannot reference a parameter that is not present in the input values.
    Input ParametersObjectA map in which keys are the name of an input parameter to set on the JDBC prepared statement. Each parameter should be referenced in the SQL text using a colon prefix (for example: where id = :myParamName). The map's values contain the actual assignation for each parameter.
    Auto Generate KeysBooleanIndicates when to make auto-generated keys available for retrievalfalse
    Auto Generated Keys Column IndexesArray of NumberList of column indexes that indicates which auto-generated keys to make available for retrieval
    Auto Generated Keys Column NamesArray of StringList of column names that indicates which auto-generated keys should be made available for retrieval
    Target VariableStringThe name of a variable to store the operation's output
    Target ValueStringAn expression to evaluate against the operation's output and store the expression outcome in the target variable#[payload]
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors


    TypeStatement Result

    For Configurations




    On Table Row


    This operation selects from a table at a regular interval and generates one message per obtained row. Optionally, you can provide watermark and ID columns. If a watermark column is provided, the values taken from that column are used to filter the contents of the next poll, so that only rows with a greater watermark value are returned. If an ID column is provided, this component automatically verifies that the same row is not picked twice by concurrent polls.

    This operation does not support streaming, meaning that there is no need to perform additional transformations to the payload in order to access the operation results. This behavior is identical to the Query Single operation released in version 1.9.


    NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to usex
    TableStringThe name of the table to select fromx
    Watermark ColumnStringThe name of the column to use for a watermark. Values taken from this column are used to filter the contents of the next poll, so that only rows with a greater watermark value are processed.
    Id ColumnStringThe name of the column to consider as the row ID. If provided, this component makes sure that the same row is not processed twice by concurrent polls.
    Transactional ActionEnumeration, one of:
    The type of beginning action that sources can take regarding transactionsNONE
    Transaction TypeEnumeration, one of:
    The type of transaction to create. Availability depends on the runtime version.LOCAL
    Primary Node OnlyBooleanWhether this source should be executed only on the primary node when running in a cluster
    Scheduling Strategyscheduling-strategyConfigures the scheduler that triggers the pollingx
    Redelivery PolicyRedelivery PolicyDefines a policy for processing the redelivery of the same message
    Query TimeoutNumberIndicates the minimum amount of time before the JDBC driver attempts to cancel a running statement. By default, no timeout is used.0
    Query Timeout UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the #queryTimeout. Values specified in nanoseconds, microseconds, or milliseconds are rounded to seconds.SECONDS
    Fetch SizeNumberIndicates how many rows to fetch from the database when rows are read from a ResultSet.10
    Max RowsNumberSets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this message processor can contain for the given number. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    A retry strategy in case of connectivity errors.



    For Configurations


    Pooling Profile

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Max Pool SizeNumberMaximum number of connections a pool maintains at any given time5
    Min Pool SizeNumberMinimum number of connections a pool maintains at any given time0
    Acquire IncrementNumberDetermines how many connections at a time to try to acquire when the pool is exhausted1
    Prepared Statement Cache Size NumberDetermines how many statements are cached per pooled connection. Setting this to zero disables statement caching.5
    Max WaitNumberThe amount of time a client trying to obtain a connection waits for it to be acquired when the pool is exhausted. Setting this value to zero (default) means wait indefinitely. This is equivalent to checkoutTimeout and cannot be overridden in additional-properties.0
    Max Wait UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A #maxWait.SECONDS
    Max Idle TimeNumberDetermines how many seconds a connection can remain pooled but unused before being discarded. Setting this value to zero (default) means idle connections never expire.0
    Additional PropertiesObjectA map in which keys are the name of a pooling profile configuration property. Does not support the use of expressions. These properties cannot be used to override any of the previously specified properties (like Max Pool Size or Min Pool Size), the main property prevails if an attempt is made to override it. The map's values contain the actual assignation for each parameter.
    Max StatementNumberDefines the total number PreparedStatements a DataSource will cache. The pool destroys the least-recently-used PreparedStatement when it reaches the specified limit. When set to 0, statement caching is turned off
    Test connection on checkoutBooleanDisables connection testing on checkout to improve performance. If set to true, an operation is performed at every connection checkout to verify that the connection is valid. A better choice is to verify connections periodically using c3p0.idleConnectionTestPeriod. To improve performance, set this property to false.true

    Column Type

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    IdNumberType identifier used by the JDBC driverx
    Type NameStringName of the data type used by the JDBC driverx
    Class NameStringIndicates which Java class must be used to map the database type


    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Fails DeploymentBooleanWhen the application is deployed, a connectivity test is performed on all connectors. If set to true, deployment fails if the test doesn't pass after exhausting the associated reconnection strategy.
    Reconnection StrategyReconnect
    Reconnect Forever
    The reconnection strategy to use


    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    FrequencyNumberHow often to reconnect (in milliseconds)
    CountNumberThe number of reconnection attempts to make
    blockingBooleanIf set to false, the reconnection strategy runs in a separate, non-blocking threadtrue

    Reconnect Forever

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    FrequencyNumberHow often in milliseconds to reconnect
    blockingBooleanIf set to false, the reconnection strategy runs in a separate, non-blocking threadtrue


    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Enabled ProtocolsStringA comma-separated list of protocols enabled for this context.
    Enabled Cipher SuitesStringA comma-separated list of cipher suites enabled for this context.
    Trust StoreTrust Store
    Key StoreKey Store
    Revocation CheckStandard Revocation Check
    Custom Ocsp Responder
    Crl File

    Trust Store

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    PathStringThe location (which will be resolved relative to the current classpath and file system, if possible) of the trust store.
    PasswordStringThe password used to protect the trust store.
    TypeStringThe type of store used.
    AlgorithmStringThe algorithm used by the trust store.
    InsecureBooleanIf true, no certificate validations will be performed, rendering connections vulnerable to attacks. Use at your own risk.

    Key Store

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    PathStringThe location (which will be resolved relative to the current classpath and file system, if possible) of the key store.
    TypeStringThe type of store used.
    AliasStringWhen the key store contains many private keys, this attribute indicates the alias of the key that should be used. If not defined, the first key in the file will be used by default.
    Key PasswordStringThe password used to protect the private key.
    PasswordStringThe password used to protect the key store.
    AlgorithmStringThe algorithm used by the key store.

    Standard Revocation Check

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Only End EntitiesBooleanOnly verify the last element of the certificate chain.
    Prefer CrlsBooleanTry CRL instead of OCSP first.
    No FallbackBooleanDo not use the secondary checking method (the one not selected before).
    Soft FailBooleanAvoid verification failure when the revocation server can not be reached or is busy.

    Custom Ocsp Responder

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    UrlStringThe URL of the OCSP responder.
    Cert AliasStringAlias of the signing certificate for the OCSP response (must be in the trust store), if present.

    Crl File

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    PathStringThe path to the CRL file.

    Expiration Policy

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Max Idle TimeNumberA scalar time value for the maximum amount of time a dynamic configuration instance should be allowed to be idle before it's considered eligible for expiration
    Time UnitEnumeration, one of:
    A time unit that qualifies the maxIdleTime attribute

    Redelivery Policy

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Max Redelivery CountNumberThe maximum number of times a message can be redelivered and processed unsuccessfully before triggering a process-failed-message
    Use Secure HashBooleanWhether to use a secure hash algorithm to identify a redelivered message.
    Message Digest AlgorithmStringThe secure hashing algorithm to use. If this is not set, the default is SHA-256.SHA-256
    Id ExpressionStringDefines one or more expressions to use to determine when a message has been redelivered. This property can be set only if Use secure hash is set to false.
    Object StoreObject StoreThe object store where the redelivery counter for each message is stored

    Parameter Type

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    KeyStringThe name of the input parameterx
    Type ClassifierType Classifierx

    Type Classifier

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    TypeEnumeration, one of:
    * NCHAR
    Custom TypeString

    Statement Result

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Affected RowsNumber
    Generated KeysObject

    Repeatable In Memory Iterable

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Initial Buffer SizeNumberThe number of instances that are initially allowed to be kept in memory to consume the stream and provide random access to it. If the stream contains more data than can fit into this buffer, then the buffer expands according to the Buffer size increment attribute, with an upper limit of Max in memory size. The default value is 100 instances.100
    Buffer Size IncrementNumberSpecifies by how much the buffer size expands if it exceeds its initial size. Setting a value of zero or lower means that the buffer should not expand, in which case a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error is raised when the buffer gets full. The default value is 100 instances.100
    Max Buffer SizeNumberThe maximum amount of memory to use. If more than the specified maximum amount of memory is used, then a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error is raised. A value lower than, or equal to, zero means no limit.

    Repeatable File Store Iterable

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    In Memory ObjectsNumberThe maximum number of instances to keep in memory. If more than the specified maximum is required, then content starts to buffer on disk.
    Buffer UnitEnumeration, one of:
    The unit in which maxInMemorySize is expressed

    Repeatable In Memory Stream

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    Initial Buffer SizeNumberThe number of instances that are initially allowed to be kept in memory to consume the stream and provide random access to it. If the stream contains more data than can fit into this buffer, then the buffer expands according to the Buffer size increment attribute, with an upper limit of Max in memory size
    Buffer Size IncrementNumberSpecifies by how much the buffer size expands if it exceeds its initial size. Setting a value of zero or lower means that the buffer should not expand, in which case a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error is raised when the buffer gets full
    Max Buffer SizeNumberThe maximum amount of memory to use. If more than the specified maximum amount of memory is used, then a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error is raised. A value lower than, or equal to, zero means no limit.
    Buffer UnitEnumeration, one of:
    The unit in which all these attributes are expressed

    Repeatable File Store Stream

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    In Memory SizeNumberDefines the maximum memory that the stream should use to keep data in memory. If more than that is consumed content on the disk is buffered.
    Buffer UnitEnumeration, one of:
    The unit in which Max in memory size is expressed

    Output Parameter

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
    KeyStringThe name of the input parameterx
    Type ClassifierType Classifierx

    See Also
