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Use Vantage with ODBC on Ubuntu


This how-to demonstrates how to use the ODBC driver with Teradata Vantage on Ubuntu.


  • Access to a Teradata Vantage instance.

    If you need a test instance of Vantage, you can provision one for free at https://clearscape.teradata.com

  • Root access to a Ubuntu machine.


  • Install dependencies:
  • Install Teradata ODBC driver for Ubuntu:
  • Configure ODBC, by creating file /etc/odbcinst.ini with the following content:


We will validate the installation with a sample Python application. Create test.py file with the following content. Replace DBCName=;UID=dbc;PWD=dbc with the IP address of your Teradata Vantage instance, username and password:

Run the test application:

You should get output similar to:


This how-to demonstrated how to use ODBC with Teradata Vantage on Ubuntu. The how-to shows how to install the ODBC Teradata driver and the dependencies. It then shows how to configure ODBC and validate connectivity with a simple Python application.

Further reading


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