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Connect to Vantage using Python


This how-to demonstrates how to connect to Vantage using teradatasql Python database driver for Teradata Vantage.


  • 64-bit Python 3.4 or later.

  • teradatasql driver installed in your system:


teradatasql package runs on Windows, macOS (10.14 Mojave or later) and Linux. For Linux, currently only Linux x86-64 architecture is supported.

  • Access to a Teradata Vantage instance. Currently driver is supported for use with Teradata Database 16.10 and later releases.

If you need a test instance of Vantage, you can provision one for free at

Code to send a query

This is a simple Python code to connect to Teradata Vantage using teradatasql. All that is left, is to pass connection and authentication parameters and run a query:


This how-to demonstrated how to connect to Teradata Vantage using teradatasql Python database driver. It described a sample Python code to send SQL queries to Teradata Vantage using teradatasql.

Further reading


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